Strong television shows are usually anchored by strong characters, and Jack Lord portrayed one over 12 seasons on Hawaii Five-O.
Lord played Detective Captain Steve McGarrett, head of the Five-O state police task force. Besides Lord, James MacArthur played police officer Danny “Danno” Williams, Kam Fong played Chin Ho Kelly, and Zulu portrayed Kono. All three supporting cast members didn’t stick around for the show’s entire run from 1968 through 1980.
But Lord did, becoming the centerpiece of nearly every Hawaii Five-O episode. Longtime fans of this Hawaii-centric show have come to love its driving theme song. Morton Stevens was the mastermind behind what you hear on the old show. The Ventures recorded their version, scoring a big hit on the Billboard charts.
While Jack Lord was the main star in the original show, he also played a more pivotal role.
‘Hawaii Five-O’ Stayed Strong Under Lord’s Leadership
Television shows have strong staying power if they are popular. Hawaii Five-O maintained solid ratings through most of its run on CBS. Original show creator Leonard Freeman reportedly moved to Hawaii so that he could recover from a heart attack. There have been different stories over the years about the show’s creation.
Freeman thought about a couple of other actors for the McGarrett role. But he eventually was led to Lord, who went from audition to in front of cameras in a matter of days. Freeman died from heart trouble as the show’s sixth season rolled along. Jack Lord had instilled within the Hawaii Five-O cast and crew members his desire for a great show.
In fact, Lord’s obsession grew into a level of perfectionism. He would not put up with less-than-solid efforts from those he worked with. After Freeman’s death, Lord took on more responsibility. He continued to play McGarrett yet was a driving force behind the show’s production.
Lord, who died in 1998, is lovingly remembered by a website titled Remembering Jack Lord. Part of the page-length tribute to Lord states, “In his business dealings, Jack could be both demanding and shrewd. He protected his star image. He insisted that cast and crew give their best to the project at hand.”
What might surprise fans to know is that Lord had an owner interest in Hawaii Five-O. Freeman’s death stirred Lord to take over executive producer duties. But viewers never saw his name under that title on the show. Lord refused to have Freeman’s name taken off.
Lord also directed some episodes during the show’s final seasons. It’s apparent that he strove for excellence both in front of and behind the camera. His episodes are some of the best in the long-running series. Lord probably drove some of his cast members nuts due to perfectionism.
After Freeman’s death, though, it was Lord’s drive for great programming that kept Hawaii Five-O among the top-rated TV shows. It didn’t hurt that scenes highlighted Hawaii’s incredible natural beauty. Lord made sure the Hawaiian islands got some good camera time.
Show’s Opening Credits Put Jack Lord Center Stage
Just close your eyes and bring up an image of Hawaii Five-O. One of them probably is part of the show’s incredible opening credits. As the camera drives toward the top of an apartment complex, Lord, as McGarrett, turns toward the camera. Just a little wind causes Lord’s immaculately coiffed hair to blow. It’s an iconic scene with an equally iconic theme song.
One time, Lord said, “What you have, what you are – your looks, your personality, your way of thinking – is unique. No one in the world is like you. So capitalize on it.” When not working on the show, he was an avid painter. It’s something he continued to do even after the show’s run ended.
Sadly, Lord developed Alzheimer’s disease in his latter years. Some think he might have been showing early signs of it in the show’s final season. Yet his dedication toward putting Hawaii’s best foot forward was amazing. Lord helped raise the islands’ image in his own time.
Beyond simply being the star of Hawaii Five-O, Jack Lord committed time, energy, and money to his new home state. His on-screen work has withstood the test of time. Reruns are regularly shown on PlutoTV. Lord was a powerful star in an hour-long crime drama. Very few actors have been able to match Lord’s work ethic.
James MacArthur Came To His Co-Star’s Defense
There were people who viewed Lord as difficult or having an ego. When these things started getting into the press, MacArthur offered his viewpoint. After all, he’d worked as closely with Lord as any other actor. “Jack and I have no problems,” MacArthur said in a 1974 interview with The Times-Tribune. “I understand he doesn’t have a rapport with the press, but then there are a lot of guys in my business who don’t know how to deal with you fellows.”
MacArthur would leave Hawaii Five-O ahead of the show’s 12th season. While he made other appearances on shows like The Love Boat, MacArthur’s work as Danny Williams remains his most beloved role. There are plenty of viewers who still love to watch him and Lord together.
Maybe that’s why people, young and old alike, never tire of hearing McGarrett say, “Book ’em, Danno.”
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