The Word of God the Word of Peace: Working Towards A More Peaceful World

The Word of God the Word of Peace

The Word of God the Word of Peace was written in 2001 by Sister Patricia McCarthy. The Word of God the Word of Peace talks about the prophets who tried to help the people of their day find peace in their life. It is also about the call of prophecy given each baptized person. The promise of peace is highlighted in the biblical teachings of prophets shown by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. The Word of God the Word of Peace will certainly appeal to Catholics and may appeal to anyone seeking peace. Are you seeking peace?

Summary of The Word of God the Word of Peace

Bible and Rosary The Virtue Driven Life
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The Word of God the Word of Peace is broken into four sections. Section one of The Word of God the Word of Peace invites us to think about God‘s request to pursue peace. The idea of peace is God’s, and God invites others to spread the word. Section two follows with the response of God, the decision to be with God in the work of peace.

Section three of The Word of God the Word of Peace focuses on everyone’s decisions for peace. Sr. McCarthy then asks does justice, the foundation of peace, demand that we say ‘yes’ and when “no”? In the fourth and final section, the author deals with the reward of those who are faithful to God’s plan, stating that the results of peace need scriptural understanding. She encourages people to fill themselves in the desires of God, discern the ways of God for our time and place, and celebrate with everyone, particularly friends and family the cry of God for peace and justice for all.

But we have interference. Society has programmed us to violence so that we cannot take seriously the reality of peace. In The Word of God the Word of Peace it is argued that the Word of God can penetrate our incredulity, enlighten our vision, and strengthen our resolve to be the people of peace God desires now and has always desired from the beginning of time. Thus, overcoming the headwinds of the world. Since peace is lived in the daily circumstances of life, The Word of God the Word of Peace helps people in their day find peace in the nitty gritty of life.

Where Do We Get the Word of God?

A good place to get the Word of God, explicitly highlighted a great deal in The Word of God the Word of Peace is the Bible. The religious texts of the Bible were compiled by various religious communities. The earliest are in the first five books of the Bible, called the Torah in Hebrew and the Pentateuch (meaning “five books”) in Greek. The next oldest part of the bible was a collection of narrative histories and prophecies.

The third collection, the Ketuvim, contains psalms, proverbs, and narrative histories.  Christianity used the Septuagint as the basis of the Old Testament. The early Church continued the Jewish tradition of writing and incorporating what it saw as inspired, authoritative religious books. The gospels, which are narratives about the life and teachings of Jesus, along with the Pauline epistles, and other texts quickly coalesced into the New Testament. The final part of the bible includes these letters from after the life of Jesus.


The Word of God the Word of Peace is a fascinating book that should be of use to more people than just the 2+ billion Catholics in the world. Anyone who is seeking peace will benefit from reading this book. Sister McCarthy has done us a great service by compiling The Word of God the Word of Peace.

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