The Faith Explained is a handbook to help you understand, explain, and defend the great truths of the Catholic Faith. It was written in 1959 by Father Leo Trese, who died in 1970. The Faith Explained has bite-sized chapters, which are designed for speedy reference. The Faith Explained explains many important facts. Included are exhalations of the purpose of human existence, God and His perfections, the creation and fall of man, the Incarnation, the Redemption, the sacraments, the Ten Commandments, the Bible, the importance of prayer, and much more. Would you find The Faith Explained useful?
Summary of The Faith Explained
Perhaps the best way to explain reference books like The Faith Explained is to list out their contents to give the reader an idea of what is in the. In The Faith Explained 39 chapters, arranged in three sections. The Sections in The Faith Explained are The Creed, The sacraments, and The Sacraments and Prayer.
The 39 Chapters in The Faith Explained are the purpose of man’s existence, God and his perfections, the unity and trinity of God, the creation and the angels, the creation and the fall of man, actual sin, the incarnation, the redemption, the holy spirit and grace, the virtues and gifts of the holy spirit, the Catholic Church, the marks and attributes of the church, the communion of saints, and the resurrection and life everlasting.
In section two of The Faith Explained includes chapters on the two great commandments, the first commandment of God, The second and third commandments of God, the fourth and fifth commandments of God, the fourth and fifth commandments of God, the seventh and tenth commandments of God, the eighth commandment of God, the commandments of the church.
In section three of the book includes chapters on the sacraments, baptism, confirmation, the eucharist, the Mass, holy communion, penance, contrition, confession, temporal punishments and indulgences, anointing of the sick, holy orders, matrimony, the sacramentals, prayers, the Our Father, and the bible.
About Father Leo Trese
Father Leo Trese wrote twenty-three books; he was a prolific author of both books and shorter articles. A few were aimed at priests but most of his books were written for the general public. His books have been translated into several languages, including Spanish, German, French, Italian, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Japanese, and Portuguese. For many years he wrote a weekly column for The Michigan Catholic. entitled “It Seems to Me.”
Trese’s books by year include Vessel of Clay Many Are One; A Man Approved; Wisdom Shall Enter; Tenders of the Flock; The Holy Spirit and His work; God, Man, and Godman; Love in Action; Our Christian Vocation; God Gives His Help; More Than Many Sparrows; The Faith Explained; Sanctified in Truth; Everyman’s Road to Heaven; Book for Boys; God’s Crowning Gift – The Holy Eucharist and the Mass; Parent and Child; 101 Delinquent Girls; Living a Christian Life; Salvation History and the Commandments; You Are Called to Greatness; Human but Holy; One Step Enough; Book for Boys and Girls.
Trese also is responsible for anthologies. They are A Trilogy. More Than Many Sparrows, Wisdom Shall Enter, Many Are One. Manila: Sinag-Tala; Guide to Christian Living; The Creed—Summary of the Faith. Chicago: Fides. The book is an edition of the first part of The Faith Explained; The Sacraments and Prayer. All four of these anthologies are compilations of his twenty-three books.
The Faith Explained, written by prolific Catholic author and priest, Leo Trese, is meant to be a reference book, like The Essential Catholic Guide. As many Catholics cannot explain the basic precepts of their faith this book is useful. In fact, it was probably Trese’s most useful book, which is saying something. This book will appeal to the more than two billion Catholics in the world and is also useful for those who seek to understand them.