Black Doves is a TV drama series in the thriller category with one incredible season. It is an original Netflix series that was made recently, with the official trailer posted on YouTube just a month ago. The second official trailer for Black Doves was posted two weeks ago, and the first episode was released on December 5th, 2024. The remaining five episodes were simultaneously released on the same day as the first, and each has received a high rating.
Black Doves
This show was created and written by Joe Barton, with the setting being London, Europe. The story revolves around a woman named Helen, who has a mysterious identity and a relationship with a man that had no clue about her secrets. Her two different lifestyles eventually overlap when, one day, her lover falls victim to London’s criminal underworld. After this incident, her employers, on her mysterious identity side, send her a man named Sam for protection. What follows soon after is Helen going on a journey to find her Husband’s killer, meanwhile Sam’s own mysterious past comes back to haunt him.
The actress playing Helen is Keira Knightley, and the actor playing Sam is Ben Whishaw, followed by many other characters played by great actors. There is excellent cinematography done in the first three episodes, with Giulio Biccari and Mark Patten being the ones to thank for all the shots. Lauren Ellis Cricks and a large art department team did the production design. Along with this were many people who put a great amount of effort into the editing, visual effects, and more. All of these efforts only add to the reasons why the show was nominated for an award so soon after its release.
Black Doves is an original story that follows a similar journey of someone seeking vengeance, answers, and perhaps even a reason to keep going. It involves themes of a dark underworld, along with fighting for justice, what with the assassins and spy characters, but the story doesn’t just focus on her and her husband’s death. The show has many other death occurrences, along with other characters dealing with their secrets.
Black Doves has a rating of 3.2 stars based on Google reviews, 7.2/10 based on IMDB reviews, and 98% on rotten tomatoes. Many review comments can be easily found either on IMDB or Google. Some five-star reviews compliment the show as a fine British Thriller, while others comment on how well the chemistry and relationships were written and played out. One has noted that when Netflix has a show that takes place in the United Kingdom, it’s typically over-the-top, but they have said that Black Doves represents it just right. One reviewer has complimented the show for its diversity around more strong female characters and gay characters.
Other reviewers mostly enjoyed the show since Keira Knightley was the lead actress, and some enjoyed the TV show simply because it had humor, grit, and action. At times, the show may stray away from the plot, and sometimes it doesn’t take itself completely seriously, but the pacing and events of each episode have been both complex and simple. Some negative reviews commented on this and more, but despite those comments, there were more positive reviews than negative ones.
Comparisons to Other Spy Dramas
When comparing Black Doves to other spy dramas, some good examples that would come to mind are the Mission: Impossible franchise and Mr. And Ms. Smith. It doesn’t have as much humor as Mr. and Ms. Smith, nor the same intended dynamic between the two leads. Mr. and Ms. Smith was also a TV show about two spies, except they went undercover as a married couple.
Helen and Sam are more like good coworkers, but both shows demonstrated good chemistry between the two leads. Black Doves don’t have the same intensity or thrill as the Mission: Impossible films, but they both contain political elements, action scenes, and death. In a deeper comparison, the Mission: Impossible franchise is mostly action, meanwhile Black Doves is tamer and has a quieter atmosphere.
Final Thoughts
Despite being released fairly recently, Black Doves has quickly garnered a large audience. The reactions to the show are a mix, but most of them have so far enjoyed the premise, the characters, the setting, the pacing, and the sequence of events. Some voted for the popular actors, while others voted for the reasons of diversity. Some disliked the show as it may not fit the exciting thrill of other spy dramas. Black Doves is unlike other shows, as it is complex and more fitting for audiences who enjoy analyzing and studying, but with enough humor that it’s not too difficult to understand.