Many times in a book, you will see solved, and unsolved murders or crimes inspire writers. Sometimes, they inspire books similar to their true events; sometimes, they are recaps of actual happenings. Such is the case in “The Barn: The Secret History of a Murder in Mississippi“. This nonfiction read summarises the most detailed history of the murder of Emmitt Till and also dives into why and how the truth of this murder was hidden for so long.
The author, Wright Thompson, covers many moments that will raise hairs on your arms and grab at your heart. This is a fair warning that this book comes with many trigger warnings, and it took a strong author to sit and recount the truth of this case. As he reveals, the true horror of the crime lies not just in its brutality but also in how much more we still need to grasp about the events that led to this senseless and hate-filled tragedy.
Murder In A Book
This read focuses on the violent and atrocious happening during the murder of Emmitt Till, a 14-year-old boy. In August 1955, Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam were arrested and charged with the torture and murder of 14-year-old Emmett Till in Money, Mississippi. While reading, you will also learn that the whole ordeal and all of the violence were misconstrued and hidden for too long. This all started with a harmless whistle from one young boy to another young girl, and hate resulted in an obscene act of murder.
The two men arrested distorted the truth about the horrific night of torment with lies, misleading the public about where the violence unfolded and who was responsible. Wright Thompson uncovers that at least nine people were present at the scene—inside the barn of one of the killers. This occurred on a piece of land in a quieter part of Mississippi known as Township 22 North, Range 4 West, Section 2, West Half.
A Brutal Focus
There are moments while reading you will be unable to set the book down because you are just that sucked into what has happened. However, some moments may also make you want to set the book down for a little while. This is the story of a child’s murder, one you will never forget. It’s also about Mississippi’s history of money, property, power, and white supremacy—and the enduring legacy of an oppressive economic system.
None of the things in this book are comfortable to read, but they are important nonetheless. We should never erase or forget history, no matter what it entails. The inability to bring Emmett Till’s killers to justice played a significant role in how the events unfolded. The murder sparked national outrage and helped to fuel the Civil Rights Movement, and yet it has been surrounded by secrecy and misinformation. Over time, this painful chapter in history has largely faded from public memory, especially in the Mississippi Delta near the site of the lynching.
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