The exciting and action-filled manga series by Gege Akutami, Jujutsu Kaisen, has now ended. It’s been a long journey ever since the protagonist ate a cursed finger and then became possessed by the finger’s host. Fans are sad that such an amazing manga series has ended, especially since they’ll no longer see any more of their favorite characters. It’s a good thing that the creator left an epilogue chapter for the fans to read as a way of giving them closure for the remaining favorite characters still alive.
Jujutsu Kaisen Manga
Jujutsu Kaisen is a Japanese manga series that Gege Akutami first created as a short series in 2017 before releasing an official first volume, ‘Jujutsu Kaisen: Volume 0′ in 2018. Volume one was also published in 2018, the official start that the anime adaptation chose to follow. It begins with a high school boy named Yuji Itadori, who is shown to have an odd or incredible athletic body and skills. He goes from a simple and happy high school boy to learning how to fight yet keep control of his body. Adding to this, he also has to deal with a council who wants him dead and enemies who want him alive but more possessed.
It eventually got to a point where he could only fully train peace after faking his death. Many intense and scary events happen. Our main characters often get hurt or injured while fighting, and some favorite characters will die heartbreaking deaths. Gut-wrenching events will happen, and reading any further will cement how this story is not for the faint of heart or squeamish types.
The Final Chapter
The final chapter of the manga, published before the epilogue on September 30th, 2024, was chapter 271. It concluded the story on a supposedly happy note, which was unexpected considering the emotional torture the author put the fans through. Our Yuji, Nobara, and Megumi, all lived on to become leaders after Gojo died, receiving his letters written before his final battle. Those who also survived the battle were Yuta, Maki, Hiromi, Fumihiko, Atsuya, Inumaki, Kinji, Miguel, Larue, Todo, Ino, and two other familiar characters.
Considering how previous battles went, readers were very surprised at how many characters were spared in the end. The final battle took place in Shinjuku, labeled as the “Shinjuku Showdown Arc”, the last battle between Yuji and Sukuna, who possesses Megumi’s body. Yuji was able to use not only his domain expansion but also his version of Cleave to separate Sukuna from his friend’s body. The two have a chat of course, as most characters do in an anime fight, and the boy uses his signature move, black flash, to destroy Sukuna’s body. Only a finger was left behind, this time with no curse.
The Epilogue
Fans can now breathe easy ever since the epilogue came out, where some found it to be sixteen pages, and others say it was twenty pages. The sixteen-page epilogue of the final volume of Jujutsu Kaisen takes place after all the chaos and war between Jujutsu Sorcerers and deadly curses. This means no more characters favored by the readers will die and live their lives. Nobara survived and conversed with her mother, Yuji met up with the girl who had a crush on him, and Megumi was freed from the king of curses!
Some fans were a little upset with Jujutsu Kaisen’s epilogue, feeling that it was too fast and that they wanted to at least see the children first before the grandchildren. Most others also wanted to at least see what kind of relationships the main characters had and their reactions to living on whilst missing their annoying teacher. The epilogue showed a bittersweet ending where the remaining characters survived, they didn’t receive extremely happy endings, but they got peace after the war.
Jujutsu Kaisen Anime
The anime adaptation will take a while to catch up to the manga, so while the hearts of the manga fans can now relax, the anime fans may still be tense. The reason for this is that while the manga has officially finished, there is a possibility of the anime not following everything in the manga. This isn’t to say it will happen, but it wouldn’t be the first time an anime adaptation strayed from the manga’s storyline.
However, that isn’t always a bad thing, as the animators might make some more positive changes. Considering how the Jujutsu Kaisen anime adaptation has so far followed nearly every detail of the manga, it is unlikely that they will stray now. The animators have worked extremely hard to draw and animate the frames of fight scenes, curse techniques, and all the mass destruction. Now that the epilogue has been published, the animators are almost finished.
Thank You Gege!
As of right now, the animated version of Jujutsu Kaisen has two seasons and a movie, with the final episode having ended right after the incident in Shibuya, Japan. Even though the ending to the story is already known, fans are still eager to see everything animated and brought to life. For now, let us be grateful to the artists, and the creator, Gege Akutami, for giving us a story so gut-wrenching, heart-palpitating, tear-jerking, gruesome, and all in all amazing. Everyone loved nearly every character in the series and eagerly awaited whatever project Gege might publish next.