With splendid action sequences, a pinch of emotional touch, and victory of good over evil, Invincible Season 3, Episode 8, had it all. Mark Grayson, our protagonist up was against probably the strongest creature shown in all three seasons combined. ‘Conquest’, comparatively an older-looking Viltrumite with a huge body, suddenly appears on Earth in front of Invincible, who is still recovering from all the Episode 7 fights, that too against his own clones. However, unlike other Viltrumites, whose main objective is to conquer other planets, Conquest had other plans. He simply wanted to have ‘fun’ and teach the ‘earthlings’ a solid lesson.
Invincible Season 3 Episode 8, or the finale episode, revolves around the fight between Mark (Invincible) and Conquest, showcasing who comes out victorious in the end. In the midst of this, how multiple cities are affected, including damage to Mark’s loved ones, his half-brother Oliver Grayson, and his beloved girlfriend, Samatha Eve Wilkins, AKA Atom Eve.
Invincible Season 3 Episode 8 Highlights Mark’s Improved Strength
Standing up to a strong Viltrumite like Conquest is no small feat. There was not a big backdrop to his story, but in between, the message was clear, Conquest was one of the most powerful people of his clan and a seasoned veteran. Moreover, he also talked about teaching Nolan back in the day. Therefore, when Mark struggled immensely against his father, it was pretty obvious that he would suffer a similar fate against such a formidable warrior.
Interestingly enough, we got to see a stronger version of Invincible against Conquest. In a 30-minute-long fight, there were several instances where Mark held his own, giving it back to the beast and putting on some sort of damage. Now, of course, Conquest was trying to test his opponents’ strength. There was no denying that Mark had grown a lot stronger, and indeed, his punches packed more power than before.
Invincible Season 3 Episode 8: Conquest Almost Kills Mark, Oliver & Atom Eve
A big spoiler alert ahead. Conquest almost manages to kill a lovely protagonist and his loved ones. Despite Mark showcasing his improved power, it was still not enough to dethrone the elite Viltrumite. The big old man had way too much power and skills for Invincible’s liking, leaving the hero gasping for breath with every hit he took. Conquest put Earth’s No.1 through multiple buildings across various cities, damaging not just him but killing civilians along the way. Despite multiple attempts, Mark was unable to stop him from doing so. It seemed that the difference in strength was eventually coming to the forefront.
At one point when Conquest is about to deliver his final blow on Invincible, Oliver steps in and hits the big Viltrumite. Mark insists on Oliver leaving the place, but the younger brother shows some courage but to no avail. Conquest easily gets rid of him and decides to dismantle the child. This is when Invincible gathers some energy, lands a big blow, and saves his brother. Now completely unconscious, Cecil and his team arrive in time to take Oliver to safety.
The second moment in which Invincible’s end looks likely is when Atom Eve steps in to save him. Not fully recovered from her earlier injury, Atom escapes the hospital when she learns about Mark’s struggle against Conquest. Just in time, she showcases never-seen-before moves and makes the veteran struggle for a bit. Eventually, Conquest overpowers her and brutally bursts through her midsection while destroying half of her face. Eve, now lying on the ground, barely recognizable, makes for the most heart-wrenching moment in the Invincible Season 3 Episode 8.
Invincible Season 3 Episode 8: Mark’s & Eve’s Rise From the Dead to Kill Conquest
As Mark sobs watching Eve lying in such a horrific condition, Conquest recognizes Invincible & Atom Eve’s love story. He starts blabbering about the situation which makes Mark super angry. Despite breaking two bones already, Mark, overpowered with emotions, suddenly attacks Conquest. With adrenaline pumping more than the blood, his power starts making a difference, with Conquest’s expressions changing bit by bit. However, it still didn’t prove to be enough, as the seasoned Viltrumite was not so easy to go down.
Just when things are about to go downhill, out of nowhere, Atom Eve rises from the dead and unlocks her inner limits, which gives her the power to change every matter. This gives her a temporary superpower to not only revive herself but to hit a ‘big’ attack on Conquest, which gives Invincible a chance to pounce. Now, not having the strength to hit with punches, Mark headbangs multiple times until Conquest’s face is barely recognizable. The long-grueling battle between good and evil ends with Conquest lying like a dead body, while Invincible and Atom Eve collapse on the ground with zero energy.
Disclaimer: There were other small scenes in the episode, but this article covers only the most exciting parts. Check out the entire Invincible Season 3 Episode 8 on Amazon Prime now!