DC Comics’s adult animated series Harley Quinn has been a fan-favorite since arriving in 2019. It follows Harley’s journey toward self-discovery and independence. Of course, countless characters join in on her shenanigans, including her love interest, Poison Ivy. The show spans multiple seasons, each depicting a different stage in Harley’s personal growth. Its fifth season premiered recently on Max and presents some interesting potential. But what could this new chapter spell out for Gotham’s favorite power couple?
Series Recap of Harley Quinn
In Season 1, Harley Quinn strives to make a name for herself amongst Gotham’s villains. She sets her sights on joining the supervillain collective called the Legion of Doom. The only things standing in her way are personal issues, Batman, and her ex-boyfriend, Joker. Season 2 changes things up with Harley looking to control a now-ruined Gotham City. At the same time, Ivy prepares to marry her lover, Kite Man. Complications occur when Harley simultaneously realizes she’s in love with Ivy and vies for her.
Season 3 of Harley Quinn focuses mainly on Harley and Ivy’s new relationship dynamic. It also follows the latter’s plan to turn Gotham City into a Garden of Eden. Harley goes through changes as well, wanting to become a hero. She proceeds with these plans in Season by joining the Bat Family. In the meantime, Ivy leads the Legion of Doom and implements her world-saving ideals. The couple eventually abandons these paths and forms a new heroic group.
Harley and Ivy Making a Change
Harley Quinn Season Five premiered with the debut of the new episode, The Big Apricot. Gotham City is a disaster-riddled land, and Harley and Ivy have retired from their adventures. Their time with the Gotham City Sirens ended after a team argument a year ago. The two now live peaceful and comfortable lives, just enjoying each other company. After running into another villain couple, Harley realizes she and Ivy are in a rut. She livens things up by suggesting they crash a party dedicated to Superman.
The event is in a new Superman museum in the clean utopia of Metropolis. While there, Harley and Ivy meet wealthy socialite Lena Luthor, who is dating Bruce Wayne. The former Sirens are suddenly ejected from the party but decide to get petty revenge. They attempt to steal the museum’s prized item, but Metropolis’ new automated sentries stop them. Instead of being mad, Lena invites them to lunch and offers Ivy a job. She and Harley choose to stay in the city and begin their new, exciting lives.
Two New Characters Come Into Play
This Harley Quinn season premiere introduced two new potentially prominent characters: Lena Luthor and Brainiac. Voiced by Aisha Tyler, Lena is Lex Luthor’s sister but is seemingly nothing like him. She’d prefer to honor Superman and keep Metropolis safe than be a supervillain. This direction correlates with other versions of Lena allied to the Superman Family. Of course, the show could change the route and make her a villain. Her friendly and open-minded personality might be a facade to hide her true dark intentions.
As for Brainiac, he doesn’t appear until the end of the episode. He commands Metropolis’s robotic sentries to destroy a garden Ivy created for Lena. These actions connect to his statement from the official trailer about striving for perfection. The question is whether Brainiac is in league with Lena or working against her. If the latter, there’s the possibility he might be working with Lex. English actor and broadcaster Stephen Fry provides the voice for this iconic DC character.
Possible Stories for Harley and Ivy
The end of this brand-new Harley Quinn episode also presents new tales for the couple. For Ivy, Lena asks her to help run the Metropolis Green Initiative. She will create gardens all over the city to help make Metropolis greener. You can argue that this idea is a rehash from Seasons Three and Four. The difference is someone wants to work with her other than Harley. However, we’ll have to wait to see if Lena’s backing has ulterior motives.
Harley didn’t get a job offer, though she might have unknowingly found her story. Throughout the episode, Superman is depressed about the city’s security automatons ensuring Metropolis is crime-free. He feels unneeded, leading to a superhero existential crisis about his relevance. Guided by her former sane self, Harley advises Superman to take a vacation of self-discovery. The act of compassion could signal her becoming a therapist for superheroes and/or supervillains. If she can help Bruce in Season 3, she can do it again for others.
Harley Quinn Season 5’s Verdict
I must give this new Harley Quinn episode a 9.5 out of 10. The new characters and the plotline potential appealed to me the most. It was also cute to see Harley advise the Man of the Steel. The same goes for the loving interactions between her and Ivy. My only negative was the lack of them as the Gotham City Sirens. I was looking forward to seeing them protect Gotham as anti-heroes.
Nevertheless, this premiere of Harley Quinn was exciting, fun, and adorable. I look forward to seeing how things unfold for the two lovebirds. I’m even hoping this new arc replicates the success of the first three seasons. The second half of the last season was a bit of a disappointing mess. If you want to see what I’m talking about, watch Harley Quinn on Max. If you liked this article, I’ll return for another episode review.