5 Zodiac Signs That Are High Maintenance

5 Zodiac Signs That Are High Maintenance

What makes a zodiac sign high maintenance? Needing extra attention can make someone high maintenance. Uncontrollable emotional roller coasters can make someone high maintenance. Demanding others more than they can give can make someone high maintenance. Needing all of the attention all or most of the time can make someone high maintenance.

We’ve all heard about those high maintenance celebrities like Mariah Carey, Jennifer Lopez, and Kanye West. Let’s take a look at the 5 highest-maintenance Zodiac signs and why they are considered so.


In fifth place today, we have Capricorn. You like to hold yourself to high standards and expect everyone around you do to the same. With your high standards, you can present as demanding and difficult to please but, as you do believe that people need to earn their high standard, you don’t expect from others more than you can do yourself. Capricorns thrive in power positions where they get to manage the details. You like to supervise making sure everyone is doing their part and meeting expectations set for them and feel it’s an even better scenario if there is a little drama involved as well.


Fourth place is assigned to Judgemental Virgo. How you see the world encompasses your fourth-place position of most High-Maintenance. Known by some as the most demanding of all Zodiac signs, you will give any deserving person a chance, but only one.

As time moves forward your critical perfectionist tendencies and analytical mind will take charge and you will start viewing those around you as if through a microscope, nitpicking at everything. You expect the same high standards for those around you that you expect from yourself. If you are deemed as not living up to your side of the bargain, they can quickly become detached leaving you wondering what you did wrong. In addition, if you do manage to get them to tell you what the problem is, be prepared to be criticized harshly. However, they will tell you exactly what you need to do to “fix” yourself and get back in their good graces


Moving on to third place. Scorpio, here I speak from the heart as I am a Scorpio myself. I am, in fact, surprised that we didn’t fall higher on this list. Anyway, being around a Scorpio can be exhausting, especially if they are having a bad day. While we are secretive, untrusting, and tend to keep our most personal selves hidden within, we can also be charming and outgoing with a seductive quality to our personalities. You just don’t know what you are getting into, sometimes, until it’s too late.

Trying to get to know a Scorpio can feel like a very long path or even a tunnel, as you walk and walk, sometimes feeling like things might be getting too close, only to learn that you are no closer than you were last week.Our high expectations lead to high demands and once you are in our circle, it doesn’t get easier. The more you meet a Scorpio’s expectations, the higher the demand gets. If you are looking to put yourself on a road to self-improvement, adding a Scorpio into your circle could definitely help as long as they follow your own goals and values.


Competitive Aries has made number two in our list of most high-maintenance Zodiac Signs. Not only are they competitive, they will compete with you even if you have not agreed to the competition. Do you have kids, or maybe pets? Aries will compete for your attention and time much the same way as children or pets do and this can be exhausting. In fact, their talent in turning a quick light-hearted game into a win-or-die competition tends to send people running the other way after they have played once or twice.

Big risks for big rewards drives the Aries impulsivity and as a friend, you can always feel like you’re chasing their next big thing. They can become pretty demanding when it comes to meeting their goal which can leave those around them, trying to keep up, exhausted, and often feeling left behind.



And our number one most High-Maintenance Zodiac sign is Cancer! Mood swings full of emotion is how I would describe cancer and for those trying to love, or even like them, this can be exhausting. A water sign, their emotions are worn on their sleeves, to use an old cliche, and a Cancer’s emotion can swing one way, and then swing back the other in the blink of an eye. They can become very temperamental and will often blame those around them for their distress.

They can “feel all the feels” at once, hurt, anxiety, fear, and anger and this comes out as emotionally unstable that demands the utmost support or they just assume no one understands. Yes, they won my award for the Most High-Maintenance Zodiac sign as yes, they are endlessly giving and hopelessly romantic, they can also present as moody and hard to read moping and being passive-aggressive rather than telling you what’s wrong.

Wrapping it Up

Yes, Cancer won this round. Their moodiness tends to make them more difficult than others as they can be unpredictable with their uncontrollable mood swings and displays of emotion. However, with that being said, some who know me well might argue that maybe I should have been born under the Cancer sign as well rather than Scorpio.

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