3 Zodiac Signs With Strongest Connection To Nature

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As the “smartest” creature on the planet, it’s kind of funny how we are also the least able, without all of our stuff, to deal with nature and the natural elements. That’s why, after all, we have all of our stuff. From houses with heating and cooling, clothes, places that make our food for us, all of the gadgets and technology that make our lives easier out and away from nature.

So, what are the top 3 zodiac signs with the strongest connection to nature? Let’s find out. 

3 Zodiac Signs Have The Strongest Connection To Nature


This was not a particularly easy task, narrowing this down to only 3 signs. But I did it. Will you be surprised? I wasn’t. I’d love to know how you feel. 


Taurus are not truly comfortable unless they can feel the earth beneath their feet. The asphalt-covered ground, earth hidden under cement, buildings as far as the eye can see, and neon signs flashing in the night just might be enough to push the earthy, quiet-natured Taurus right out of their earth-loving minds. 

They would rather be sticking their feet in the ocean than lazing in a pool, eating food taken from their gardens then prepackaged meals from the grocer, gazing out over the shadows and abrupt angels of the Grand Canyon then taking in an exhibit at a museum. They know the value of their connection to the earth and understand the deprivation of the humans who no longer understand our primal need for this connection to our earth. 


Oh, yes, our Aquarians do love to be in nature. In fact, they have a firm understanding that we are not in nature, but that we are part of nature. There isn’t a sign that feels more about of place the the Aquarian. They would prefer to hear the sounds of the birds in the trees, the lapping of the water on the shore, and feel the sand beneath their feet. 

The perfect place for an Aquarian to feel completely at ease is sitting on a beach or in the forest, book in hand, fire crackling with a warm glow in the firepit, and no electronic sounds to be heard. Just peace and quiet, maybe the company of a good friend, and nature. This is the only way to truly fulfill their need to connect with the ancient part of their beings that feels so disconnected from self when among the urban sprawl of the city. 


Our Libra is a sign of a necessary reset. While they cherish companionship, love the feel of the intimacy of family and friends: loved ones, they know that the only way to self-soothe after too much noise, too much technology, and too many people, is to become one with nature. 

Where might you find a Libra with a need to reset? In a meadow relaxing among the wildflowers, gazing at deer grazing in the distance. Maybe sitting on a beach, taking in the sun, watching the waves come and go and the setting sun on the horizon.

How about sitting on a rock in the woods with their feet submerged in a cold running stream, a book in their lap and their eyes watching the birds in the branches of the trees across the way? 

Wait, I’m a Scorpio and now I want to be where the Libra are. Oh well. 

Are There Really Drawbacks from Our Lack Of Connection? 

Why, yes, there are. In researching for my article on Earthing, I learned that we have become quite detached form the earth and this has cause us to loose an important connection that allows us to use and trade vital electrons that we get from being connected physically with the earth.

This ground and exchange of electrons not only help to reset our internal rhythms and keep them balanced, they help with chronic pain, sleep deprivation, reduced inflammation, and so many other things. If you would like to learn more, check out this article, Resetting Your Healthy Internal Rhythms Through Earthing

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