Bridgerton is a Netflix show based on a book series of the same name, written by Julia Quinn. It follows the notorious Bridgerton clan, a wealthy family in Regency-era England. There are eight Bridgerton siblings, who each get their own story. Each child is named alphabetically in ascending order: Anthony, Benedict, Colin, Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory, and Hyacinth.
Having lost their father early on, Anthony is now the head of the family and holds the title of viscount. Along with the guidance of their mother, each Bridgerton child attempts to navigate the complexities of the noble social scene while also trying to find love. Season 1 of the Netflix series follows the eldest daughter, Daphne, as she falls in love with a mysterious duke from out of town. Season 2 focuses on Anthony’s love story, while Season 3 centers on Colin and his relationship with his childhood best friend, Penelope.
The Timeline is Different
One of the major differences in the show is the timeline. For example, in the book series, Benedict’s story is told third, whereas in the Netflix series, Colin and Penelope’s story is third. There is also an acceleration of the timeline in the series in order to make the show fit for television. Colin and Penelope’s story takes place at least a decade later in the books versus in the series.
In the books, the characters are in their late twenties when they finally get together; however, in the series, they are only about nineteen or twenty years old. This was probably due to the fact that they didn’t want to delay the storyline or have to age the actors drastically in between seasons.
The Character of Anthony Bridgerton
Another major difference between the books and the series is the character of Anthony Bridgerton. In the books, Anthony is an extremely unlikable character, even more hardened and unpleasant than he is depicted in the show. And in the show, he’s hard to like at times, so I can’t even imagine how he acts in the books! Personally, I think a lot of Anthony’s likeability in the show comes from Jonathon Bailey’s portrayal of him. Bailey’s charm and wit shine through in the role, naturally making Anthony far more likable on screen than he was in the books.
Furthermore, according to fans, Kate and Anthony’s relationship is a much healthier alternative to their relationship in the books. Similarly to Colin and Penelope, Kate and Anthony’s storyline is more fast-tracked in the series to fit it all into their season. For example, they get married quite quickly in the show, but I think it takes them longer to tie the knot in the books.
The Addition of New Characters
We all know Shondaland loves to take creative liberties in storytelling, which, in this case, includes the creation of some new characters to make the Netflix series more compelling and well-rounded. For example, Lord Debling, shown throughout season 3 of the series, wasn’t originally a character in the books. However, he is featured in the series primarily to serve as a catalyst for getting Colin and Penelope together.
If he hadn’t been in the series, I think it would’ve taken them longer to get together because one of the reasons Colin was motivated to act was because he was jealous of the attention Penelope was getting from Lord Debling. Going back to the point of accelerating the timeline, Lord Debling served as motivation for the characters, so the expediting of the story made more sense.
Additionally, while being an important character in the show and even eventually securing her own spin-off series, Queen Charlotte does not actually appear in the books; she was a character created entirely by Shondaland to add more depth to the show. After the success of Bridgerton, Shondaland created a prequel series titled, Queen Charlotte, which focuses on the queen’s relationship with King George and how she came to rule England. Several fan favorites from the original series are also present within the prequel, such as Lady Danbury and Violet Bridgerton.
The Character of Eloise Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton is arguably the most different from the rest of her siblings, having no interest in finding a husband or performing additional societal duties. She rejects the elitism of the ton and is often seen searching for more meaning in life than her complacent peers. Fans of the Netflix series are campaigning for Eloise’s potential to have a queer storyline, which would be a deferral from the books.
In the books, Eloise ends up marrying a man, which many are hopeful will be another modification in the series, as they view the character as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, although it has never been explicitly stated. They’re hoping for new love interests for Eloise in Shondaland’s version of the story, as many are unhappy with who Eloise ended up with in the books.
The Lady Whistledown Reveal is Later in The Books
Although the books don’t reveal Lady Whistledown’s identity until the fourth book, audiences find out who she is at the end of season 1 of the series. However, while audiences know by the conclusion of season 1, none of the other characters in the show know yet, helping create suspense throughout the coming seasons. Eloise is the first to discover Penelope’s secret, uncovering the information at the end of season 2 of the series.
This then serves as a catalyst for their relationship in season 3, putting them at odds. She is the only character, aside from Genevieve Delacroix, who knows who Lady Whistledown is. This creates some tension for viewers—Will Eloise reveal her secret? Or will she keep it even though she’s furious with her former friend? Tune in to Season 3: Part 2 of Bridgerton to find out!
Bridgerton is available to stream on Netflix, and the books are available on Amazon or Kindle. To read more on the differences between the books and Netflix’s adaptation of them, click here.
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