Natal Charts and the #1 Perfect Career Path

Here you are, 22 years old and you are not sure what you want to do with your life. What do you want for your career? You know you don’t want to keep *insert current job here* like you are now, not that there is anything wrong with what you are doing – it’s just not your life’s dream and it definitely won’t get you to where you want to be. So, what should you do now?

Natal Charts


Natal charts use the alignment of the moon and the sun as well as the planets at the time and place of your birth to give you an idea of who you are, who you will become, and what events and decisions might benefit you throughout your life.

These diagrams represent the positions of the sun, moon, and planets, at the time of your birth. It also provides information on the various aspects and any sensitive angles created by the placement of the planets, sun and moon. Horoscope literally means time ( ōra) observer (scopos), derived from the Greek ōra and scopos.

Want to learn more? Keep reading.

Houses and Your Career

A Natal Chart is divided into 12 houses, each representing a different aspect of a whole person.

  1. The House of Self
  2. The House of Money and Possessions
  3. The House of Communication
  4. The House of Home
  5. The House of Creativity
  6. The House of Service and Health
  7. The House of Partnership and Marriage
  8. The House of Death and Regeneration
  9. The House of Mental Exploration and Long Distance Travel
  10. The House of Career and Public Standing
  11. The House of Friends, Hopes, and Wishes
  12. The House of Secrets, Sorrows, and Self-Undoing

While all houses can influence each other over time, today we are going to talk about houses 2, 6, and 10.

 House 10 and Your Career

Yes, let’s start with the 10 house, the house of Career and Public Standing. Why, because this is the house that deals directly with your topic, Career.

Placed opposite House 4, the House of Home, it only makes sense that this house represents everything outside of your home including your reputation and how others in your community see you. This house can tell you about the potential you have for your future, where your skills might lie, and even how to achieve your goals.

The 10th house is ruled by Capricorn. What do we know about Capricorn? Capricorn governs traits like reputation and career. Capricorns care a lot about how people view them and often seek praise and approval. These people are often the go getters out there in the world. Makes sense that the 10th house, the house of career, is ruled by Capricorn.

House 6 and Your Career

The 6th house is the House of Service and Health. In modern days, this house determines how you work with others, it governs your relationships with your bosses, your subordinates, and your employees. This house also governs your health including how you handle stress and emotional upsets, which can also influence your career.

Virgo rules over the 6th House with Mercury ruling Virgo. Virgos are detailed oriented, intelligent, and reliable and can be judgmental and a bit fussy as well. These traits definitely play into the 6th house and it’s ruling over relationships and service. It’s again, all about how you deal with the people you work with every day.

How does this effect your career? Well, this house determines if you are a leader or a follower, if you are a caretaker or someone who just plows through taking no notice of those in your way. Does being around a lot of people give you anxiety? Well, this house will tell you that.

This house definitely plays a hand in telling you about careers you might want to look at. If you are introverted and don’t like to be around people, you probably aren’t going to be into sales or be a celebrity although there are always those who break the rules. Sorry, I was thinking about people like Barack Obama, Albert Einstein and Meryl Steep – all known introverts.

House 2 and Your Career

Now moving onto all things material. The 2nd house is the House of money and possessions, ruled by both Taurus and Venus. This house determines your what you have and what you will acquire. If you are someone whose goals are material things, you are going to need to have a career that will pay for those things. While Taurus is patient and stable, determined but practical, Venus is all about pleasure and emotion. She likes things comfortable luxury and exceptional creativity.

Putting it all together

So what does this all mean. Any planets in the 10th house at the time of your birth suggest your line of career or profitable successes. Any planets hovering over the cusps of Capricorn, Sagittarius and Aquarius, also influence your possible career direction. When you look at your natal chart you might see a mish mash of symbols spread across your chart determining who you will become.

There are many moving pieces when it comes to your natal chart. Looking at where each planet is located determines so many aspects of you. For your career path, this means looking at the planets in these three houses at the time and place of your birth and then looking at the rest of your traits to determine your best possible direction for you.

So let’s look at an example. Say your chart shows that Saturn is in Capricorn. Saturn rules Capricorn so it’s influence is going to be extra strong here. This says that you are going to be both ambitious and determined, possible a force to be reckoned with when it comes to your career choices. Nothing will throw you off your path, you could even be seen as mean, selfish or overbearing.

Now, what if you have Mercury in your Capricorn? You are still ambitious, but probably nicer about it. You are methodical, hard working, and patient. You know that sometimes you have to wait for what you’ve worked for. You can be calculating so you are still someone to watch out for when it comes to reaching your career goals.

As a last example, lets say your sun sign is actually Capricorn. This says that you are going to be extremely focused and driven when it comes to reaching your career goals, whatever they may be. However, you will be more likely to be looking at stable choices rather then risky. You want stability in your career so that you can focus on other aspects of your life as well.

What Does This All Mean?

Choices? Did I say choices?  I think I said that word like 10 times in this short article. Wow, that can be a rough word.

If you pull your natal chart and your moon, sun, and all of your planets are in the correct place to tell you that you are going to be powerful, rich and famous, does this mean that this is what your life is going to look like? Well, no. You have to work for these things.

What this chart does do is tell you what you have the potential, if you put in the time and energy and make the right choices (there’s that word again), to get where you want to be. It does mean that you might have an easier time reaching the goals that fit within your chart then someone whose goals do not fit in their chart? Yes. Again, as long as you make the right choices and do the work.

Wow, that seemed to go really quickly. There is so much more I would like to tell you about this. There are whole books written about this topic. However, I am going to stop here. This was a brief introduction to the career horoscope I am going to start writing for you, the one appearing tomorrow, May 1st, 2024. I hope you enjoyed this and join me for future articles.


Woolfolk, J. M. (2012). The only astrology book you’ll ever need (1st ed.). Taylor Trade Publishing.

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